Tang asks parents to rethink the idea of kids’ independence
Are kids ready to be given more independence? Can they be trusted to make bigger decisions and more grown-up choices? Starting with the simplicity of a question and armed with nothing but the innocence of curiosity, Tang, the country’s leading powdered juice brand, recently concluded its revolutionary journey into the minds of Filipino children.
Challenging the norm
With a fast-paced world spun on by cable television, internet, and other technologies, children today are raised in an environment that preaches dangerously attractive attributes such as instant gratification. Parents often bewail the lack of responsibility in their offspring, pointing fingers at numerous possible causes leading to an inevitable, unpleasant conclusion – that today’s children, spoiled by modern-day opportunities, discard independence and responsibility in favor of games, toys, and time spent with friends.
But beyond such societal norms and basic assumptions, is there nothing more to expect from today’s Filipino child? Could the numerous opportunities granted them have contributed to their lack of responsibility? The repercussions of such a question were not to be taken lightly. To find the answer, scratching beneath the surface was not enough.
Thus began the journey of one hundred children and five hundred pesos.
A revolutionary idea
In search of an answer, Tang launched a revolutionary social experiment to explore the minds of one hundred Filipino children between the ages of seven and nine years old.
A controlled environment was constructed, replete with elements designed to cater to the typical wishes of a child on a shopping spree. The various choices included an extensive range of toys, school supplies, and snacks and other options like a charity box where they can donate the money or the alternative for them to save the money they received. While the children were granted the time to spend and peruse the makeshift shopping paradise, their parents were interviewed regarding their views on what they believed their child would purchase. More than half of the mothers expected their kids to mostly spend on toys and snacks, believing that they were too young for responsible decisions.
Children step up to the plate
They were wrong. Ninety-nine out of one hundred children saved most of their money. Many donated to charity. Half of them purchased items for school. One child indeed spent all of his money on food and toys – but to give as gifts to his brothers and sisters.
The conclusion of the social experiment was indeed astonishing, but the most shock was elicited from the parents of the children themselves when the results were revealed. Surprise led to curiosity at what the children purchased. Upon hearing that a vast majority opted to retain their funds in favor of savings or for the benefit of their respective families, parental pride was clearly evident with each smile.
“It was very heartwarming to see how the kids reacted and what they decided to do with the money. I was very surprised and actually quite impressed that my son/daughter is responsible enough to know the value of money and opted to save it instead of spending it on toys,” said one very surprised mom.
In a world where kids can be dismissed as too young for any sense of responsibility, these one hundred children made us question what we thought we knew about kids these days.
“Tang believes that just like the refreshing results of this social experiment, today’s kids can surprise, amaze and delight us in so many more ways, than we can imagine.” says Cyn Icasas, Kraft Beverage Category Marketing Manager. “Whether it be in school, in their community or in their own families, kids can shine when we least expect them to –all they really need is to be given a chance. “
So the next time you think you know kids, dare to question, explore and perhaps be amazed at what you find. To learn more, watch Tang’s “Do you know kids?” social experiment video by logging on to http://www.knowkids.org.ph/ and share the surprise!